What is the function of the CPU?
A microprocessor, also called a CPU (central processing unit), is the heart of any normal computer. It is what allows computers to function and do its work. There are many different types and brands of microprocessors, but they all do pretty much the same things in similar ways. A CPU is an entire computer engine placed onto one small computer chip.
What was the name of the first CPU?
The world's first microprocessor was the Intel 4004, which was introduced in 1971. It was not a very powerful chip as all it could do was add and subtract, at 4 bits at a time. Prior to the 4004, engineers would construct computers from either a collection of chips or transistor (wired one a a time). The 4004 is what powered one of the first portable electronic calculators.
How has the speed of CPU's changed over time?
Microprocessors have been altered quite a lot since the Intel 4004. One of the ways it has been improved over time is through the rate/speed these chips can work at. Statistics show that almost every time a new microprocessor has been created its maximum speed has been increased. One of the slowest microprocessors was the Intel 8088,created in 1974, which had a speed of 2 MHz (2 million cycles per second). While one of the fasted CPU's the Pentium 4 "Prescott" created in 2004, 3.6 GHz (3.6 billion cycles per second).
What does MIPS measure?
MIPS actually stands for 'millions of instructions per second'. MIPS are a rough measurement of a CPU's performance and the maximum speed it can work at.
What are dual core processors and multitasking? How do they fit together?
A dual core processor is a CPU with two separate cores on the same chip, each with their own cache (hidden/inaccessible place). In short a dual core processor is the equivalent of having 2 microprocessors in one. Multitasking in terms of computers, is what allows a user to perform more than one computer function at the same time. For example if a web browser and word document are opened at the same time, the computer is multitasking. However being able to multitask does not mean that an unlimited amount of applications can function at the same time. this is because each program consumes a certain amount of storage and when too many functions are taking place the system may slow down or begin to run out of storage. Dual core processors can handle multiple programs running at once with good performance and efficiency rates.
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