What is it and what do we use it for?
A net book is a small and easily portable laptop created especially for wireless communications and quick access to the internet. Net books are usually found with small display screens, from around 9-10 inches long (most laptops have screens approximately 15 inches long), and without CD or DVD drives. Net books are much lighter than most common laptops or notebooks. Softwares are loaded onto net books, via an external CD/DVD drive. When compared to other notebooks and laptops, net books have very small keyboards and a much smaller power capacity. Net books aren’t exactly the faster computers in the world. Nevertheless, net books are found to be quite suitable to those who are constantly moving around and do not with wish to carry big, heavy laptops and bulky cases with them. Net books are the least expensive types of portable computers so far and come with traditional ports, a USB port for example. Net books are commonly used for online activities and simple features of a normal computer, such as word documents and making calculations.
How is it a part of our multimedia world?
· Net books are a part of our highly advanced multimedia world as they provide users with the ability to access a number of different multimedia documents. Some of these files include videos, images, and mp3 files.
Are there different types? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each type?
Net books are available in many different forms. However, this wide variety of net books generally relies on the different types of manufacturers. Although they are classified as different, all net books usually have the same characteristics, in terms of size, power capacity, etc, without much difference between them. Another big difference between the different types would be the operating systems, which are mostly Android or Windows 7.
· The first and smallest lot of net books (7, 8.9 inch net books)
(i) Advantages: small, easier to carry than notebooks and laptops, easy access to the internet, all of which made it very easy and simply which eventually lead to it being highly compatible with business workers on the move,
(ii) Disadvantages: small power capacity, key board and display screen, all of which made it very difficult to use and limited in terms of the time frame it could be used in before needing to be charged.
· The ten inch units, the second lot of net books created (10.1, 10.2 inch net books)
§ Advantages: still quite small, easy to carry, quick and simple access to the internet. Improvements included a slightly larger key board and slightly bigger display screen, all of which made it much easier to use and even more compatible with busy people.
§ Disadvantages: power capacity is still quite small, meaning usage is limited in-between needing to be charged. And even though the key board and display screens were modified, they were still too small for users. Though improvements were made, users found that the newly modified net books were still quite difficult to use.
· A step Above, the third lot of net books created (11.6, 12.1 inch net books)
§ Advantages: still very small compared to other laptops and notebooks, like the other net books created before the third lot of net books still are very easy to carry and provides great internet access to all its users, despite the key boards and screens being made larger than previous models to suit the needs of consumers.
§ Disadvantages: unfortunately just like the previous range of net books, the power capacity of the latest models is still quite small and not nearly as much as other notebooks and laptops. Although these aspects were modified throughout the evolution of net books, the key boards and display screens are still quite small for users, making the new range of net books still fairly difficult to use.
Net books also differ via their individual processors. The main brands of these processors includes Intel, MIPS, ARM and VIA. The following table is just a little information about the main brands which provide most net books processors.
Brand | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Intel | o Intel processors use up little electricity/power, this generates less heat o Good quality o Good for multitasking | o Intel processors cost a lot. o Don’t cope well with various graphic types. o Availability: a lot of manufacturers use Intel and so Intel runs out of stock fairly quickly |
MIPs | · Low power consumption · Good quality performances · Relatively cheap | · They are slow working processors compared to the other brands |
VIA Nano | · Good for working with the internet, as connections are made much faster · Works well with multimedia devices | · Works slightly slower than most Intel processors · Power consumption is much higher than most Intel processors |
ARM | · Low power consumption · Relatively cheap · Good quality performances | · They are slow working processors · Not compatible with x86 (the name used for a microprocessor produced by Intel. This means that windows cannot be run using this type of processor. |
A “simple” explanation of how it works.
Net books were specifically created to help users connect to the internet and access/work with online files and websites, this is a major factor as to why net books are becoming so popular. Net books have begun providing frequent internet users with the opportunity to have a small, compatible and portable laptop, that allows them to connect to the internet and not have to pay for the additional features that usually come with most notebooks and laptops.
A rough indication of the cost of the device (only where a device is being researched)
The prices of different net books depends on the different features, such as size, manufacturer/brand, the ram size, number of USB ports, etc. The prices of net books alone (without any additional items or deals) can start from around $145 and reach up to approximately $560, and maybe even higher in some cases.
Future directions, what is waiting around the corner, what is the next “new” technology in this area?
Net books are highly popular amongst many people today, because of its size, easy access to the internet and low prices. As a result there have been many hints that Android powered net books are likely to make a stunning appearance in the near future. Likely to be called Android net books, these new models will be created as manufactures try to decreases costs even lower and provide a much more simple laptop experience for users. The android net books, which are currently starting to be produced now, are being designed with larger screens being the main focus. The quality of the graphics/displays and speeds will also differ from the current net books, as they are likely to be enhanced for a better user experience.
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